From my college years in 2013 to more design experience in 2016, I designed hundreds of Spotify executions during my time at Ef Sharp (F#) as a design intern and Red Apple Creative as an UI Designer. I processed a lot of guidelines from different brands and adapted those guidelines to create something great for the client to love and commit to. Here are a few of my favorite picks!
The Staples experience is based on how lit* your Christmas party is. You choose the vibe, how long the party is going to be, and the pace of the party. You get yourself a playlist to keep forever as well as exclusive holiday deals from Staples.
*Lit (adj) - When something is euphoric, turnt-up, and/or popping
This Sperry microsite takes users through a short journey to winning Spotify Premium simply by submitting their favorite song on the Spotify platform. Firstly, users would enter the song name in the search bar.
The Corona experience lives outside of Spotify but the same experience as the Sperry experience applies. Users submit a song for a chance to win Spotify Premium, only this time they’re not only taken to a playlist but also have access to some exclusive goodies from Corona.
The Corona experience lives outside of Spotify but the same experience as the Sperry experience applies. Users submit a song for a chance to win Spotify Premium, only this time they’re not only taken to a playlist but also have access to some exclusive goodies from Corona.
Copyright © 2017 Theo Darchiville